
"Tuesday 17 October 1730 On Saturday Night —— Greenwood, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justice of Peace, had his Pocket pick'd of an Hankerchief, as he was going into the Play-House. The Fellow was taken in the Fact, and secured in the roundhouse, and next day was brought before the Justice, where he was very penitent, pleading that hunger had drove him to that extremity, being very lame, and having had no sustenance all day; he likewise produced a letter of recommendation from a Gentleman, to be admitted into the Hospital; upon which after a severe reprimand, the Justice discharged him." (Ipswich Journal)

 Pickpocketing was a common crime in the 18th century. We often demonstrate this at historical fairs and reenactments and can do so at your event to add some atmosphere and educate the public in the life of the lowly pickpocket.

 Disclaimer : All of our demonstrations are planned and worked out with willing participants and never do we pick the pockets of the general public.

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